Allergic rhinitis va rating. Find out the eligibility criteria, the types of Rhinitis, and the best strategies to increase your VA rating for Rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis va rating

 Find out the eligibility criteria, the types of Rhinitis, and the best strategies to increase your VA rating for RhinitisAllergic rhinitis va rating  Veterans who served during qualifying deployments and are suffering from asthma, rhinitis, and

Allergic rhinitis can be caused by allergies to pollen, dust, mold, or other airborne irritants. The criteria for assigning an asthma VA rating is as follows: 10% — For this rating, a veteran must show a predicted FEV-1 of 71-80%; an FEV-1/FVC ratio of 71-80%; or a need for intermittent inhalational or oral. Any way the VA deferred my claim and have told the examiner I was exposed to sandstorms and such and asked examiner weather that is due from gulf war Asia service. 21 - Age in Service-Connected Claims/Analogous Ratings/Application of Rating Schedule. If you have an illness or other health condition that’s connected to your service as a Gulf War Veteran from 1990 to now, you may be eligible. e. Last updated on August 14, 2023 I hope you enjoy reading this blog post. The classic symptoms of the disorder are nasal congestion, nasal itch, rhinorrhea and sneezing. Hay fever, also called allergic rhinitis, causes cold-like symptoms. 0ºº§Ÿƒ’¥2,º û*ª„‰²,T* „ò[#cí'wÖÉX â• k‹¥pžñ½€ ߃øXöd+9¦ÊšÕçªô¯È×. Yes, you will need to use nasal spray twice a day forever. A few months after separation my Doctor notes, the patient is in for follow up for perennial allergic rhinitis with seasonal worsening, asthma, eosinophillic esophagitis, and food allergy. m †V2ë´@úêV¼ é X ?ŸNßñÔ ƒ ¬0Ø|ö 2±. Op. [R. Such disability is currently assigned a noncompensable evaluation under 38 C. In order to receive a rating for conjunctivitis, VA may require the veteran to undergo a Compensation and Pension (C&P) exam. 40%: $673. This quick disability claim letter to VA Comp & Pension from my own claim for sinusitis, sleep apnea and allergic rhinitis should help get your claim going. Some of the common causes of allergic rhinitis are pollen from trees or. 878. This matter comes before the Board of Veterans' Appeals (Board) on appeal from a February 2010 rating decision of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Regional Office (RO) in St. The examiner provided medical definitions of chronic rhinosinusitis (commonly referred to as rhinitis and sinusitis) and allergic rhinitis, as well as their causes and symptoms. Id. R. That is to say, the Board must consider whether there have been times when her allergic rhinitis has been more severe than at others, and rate it accordingly. I have 3 contentions in deferment that are related to my asthma. 4. 30% — Persistently recurrent epigastric distress with dysphagia, pyrosis, and. 5 ° xv1 ùb¶Ø”à#ª6>a9bù sŸæ. Allergic Rhinitis and Chronic Sinusitis are separatedly rated conditions under the VA rating schedule. Rhinitis Caused By Burn Pit Exposure. A problem made worse or discovered as a. F. The veteran's allergic rhinitis was not characterized by polyps prior to October 13, 2005. Chronic allergic rhinitis is caused by airborne allergy-causing substances (called allergens ) that you have a hard time escaping both indoors and outdoors. The Respiratory System Ratings. 97 according to the General Rating Formula for Sinusitis (Diagnostic Codes 6510 through 6514). Allergic rhinitis can warrant a 30 percent rating, but only if the Veteran suffers from polyps. Thanks, I will do that! I have my yearly physical at the VA coming up soon. continue reading. Become an All-Access Member to access this page, other exclusive content, the ability to contact our Military Disability Experts, course discounts, and more! Reminder: The VA will give a Military Disability. That helps keep the polyps from returning. See 38 C. ago. Apply at VA health care now. I also had the same ENT fill out a DBQ for me. Veterans and their survivors may be eligible for benefits for these diseases. You can use these forms to submit medical evidence from your health care providers. VA diagnostic code 6522 covers ratings for Veterans that suffer from allergic or vasomotor rhinitis. Snoring. Veterans who served during qualifying deployments and are suffering from asthma, rhinitis, and. Learn how to get VA disability benefits for secondary conditions related to allergic rhinitis, such as sleep apnea, sinusitis, asthma, and migraines. Specifically, symptoms tend to occur when you breathe in something you are allergic to, such as dust, animal dander, or pollen. I am rated for deviated septum with allergic rhinitis. Allergic Rhinitis, also called Hay Fever, is an allergic reaction in your nose that causes sneezing, congestion, itchy nose, and sore throat. After submitting my FDC, someone at VA listed the issue as two conditions: sinus condition and rhinitis. 38 C. 6522 Allergic or vasomotor rhinitis. Yes, they should be separate. Rhinitis refers to the presence of inflammation of the mucosa of the nasal cavity (i. I filed rhinitis claim and sinusitis but some reason it was 2 separate appointments about 3 weeks apart. The VA lists symptoms and outcomes that help you determine your potential sinusitis VA rating. 38 C. Ratings run from 0 percent to 100 percent in increments of 10. The Board therefore concluded, without discussing the SSOC or the AMC rating decision, that the veteran's chronic sinusitis did not more nearly approximate the criteria for a 30% evaluation and denied entitlement to an evaluation in excess of 10% for that condition. e. at 17-18. VA Announces New Presumptive Respiratory Conditions Related to Particulate Matter. 43 per month. ago. Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a common inflammatory disorder characterized by 2 or more of the following symptoms: nasal obstruction, nasal itching, rhinorrhea, and/or sneezing. How VA Rates Allergic Rhinitis VA rates allergic rhinitis under 38 CFR § 4. Entitlement to an increased disability rating for dermatitis of the hands, currently rated 10 percent disabling. Your rating determines how much in monthly disability compensation you’ll receive. Seems dumb, but bureaucracy usually is. 103, (2005). This appeal. I received 30% for sinusitis and 0% for allergic rhinitis last year. R. 888. Sinusitis & Rhinitis. Non-compensable disability. ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ ƒ þÿÿÿ. IF YES, SELECT THE VETERAN'S CONDITION (check all that apply) CHRONIC SINUSITIS ALLERGIC RHINITIS NON-ALLERGIC RHINITIS BACTERIAL. Louis, Missouri. This quick disability claim letter to VA Comp & Pension from my own claim for sinusitis, sleep apnea and allergic rhinitis should help get your claim going. Under DC 6522, a 10 percent rating is provided for allergic or vasomotor rhinitis without polyps, but with greater than 50 percent obstruction of nasal passage of both sides or complete obstruction on one side. If you developed a. I am in the same boat as you as far as sleep apnea secondary to asthma. No idea why Anyways, for my rhinitis, she examined visually and reviewed my questionnaire. 2. [R. Veterans can be rated between 10 and 100 percent depending on the severity of their condition. VA rates asthma under 38 C. He was diagnosed with allergic rhinitis. September 7, 2012. In the United States, the Veterans Affairs (VA) rating for allergic rhinitis ranges between 0% and 30% (see this example of a winning case). Arch. S. my claim for sinustis and rhinitis was grouped together, (claimed as recurring sinusitis/rhinitis) and have a 30% rating for it. VA rates gastrointestinal diseases under 38 CFR § 4. Call CCK today at 800-544-9144 to schedule a free case review with a member of our team. at 17-18. Find out what benefits you qualify for with a 0% disability rating and if. The criteria for a 30 percent rating for allergic rhinitis were not met prior to October 13, 2005. I see an ENT at the VA hospital every 3-months. It is under the Code 6522. These include tree and grass pollens, dust mites, pet dander, molds, and cockroaches. Veterans often suffer from a range of secondary conditions that are related to their allergic. Under the Diagnostic Code 6522, a 10% rating is used for vasomotor or allergic rhinitis without polyps but 50% or greater blockage of the nasal passages on both sides. With respect to the Veteran's claim for increased rating for allergic rhinitis, a 30 percent rating is warranted under Diagnostic Code 6522 if the Veteran's rhinitis demonstrates polyps with greater than 50 percent obstruction of the nasal passages on both sides or complete obstruction on one side. 3 or more incapacitating* episodes a year, again with 4-6 weeks of antibiotics each or more than 6 of the episodes that allow you to still function with headache, runny nose, etc. That 10% increase changed my life. VA uses Diagnostic Code 6018 to rate Chronic Conjunctivitis ranging from 0% to 10%; additionally, Conjunctivitis could fall under the General rating formula for eye diseases. Id. I got my rating recently. In November 2019 and August 2020 opinions, a VA examiner opined that it is less likely than not that the Veteran's sleep apnea was caused or aggravated by the service-connected allergic rhinitis with sinusitis. Asthma, rhinitis, and sinusitis are a few of the prevalent health and respiratory issues many veterans are suffering from that are likely connected to being exposed to poor air quality from burn pits during their time in service. Rating Considerations Relative to Specific Diseases § 3. Chronic nonallergic rhinitis is more common in women, with a female-to-male ratio of 2:1 to 3:1. The Department of Veterans Affairs will begin processing disability claims Aug. Allergic rhinitis (AR) is an atopic disease characterized by symptoms of nasal congestion, clear rhinorrhea, sneezing, postnasal drip, and nasal pruritis. 93-07 710 ) DATE ) ) On appeal from the decision of the Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office in No. Six months after discontinuance of such treatment, the appropriate disability rating shall be determined by mandatory VA examination. EnvironmentalAd4622 •. Sinusitis, Allergic Rhinitis and ecezema. While these two conditions may sound similar, there is quite a bit of difference between. 878. But unlike a. We aimed to access the relationship between psychological stress, severity. A veteran with rhinitis and no polyps may receive a 10% rating if one nasal passage has a complete obstruction or both have at least a 50% obstruction. The VA Rating System for Allergic Rhinitis. VA will add a note that directs personnel to rate under proposed DC 6233 (rhinosinusitis, allergic and nonallergic (vasomotor) related) using the General Rating Formula for Rhinosinusitis instead of proposed DC 6240 (Rhinitis, allergic or. Saw several ENT doctors through the military and the VA when I got out. Therefore, the veteran would need to show either 50% or 100% nasal passage obstruction before the VA can assign a 10% disability rating. § 4. A February 2016 VA examination and opinion found that it is less likely than not that the Veteran's sleep apnea was caused by his service-connected sinusitis and/or allergic rhinitis, because, if such were the case, the Veteran would experience difficulty falling asleep, not staying asleep; the Veteran asserted to the examiner that falling. 6, 9 In a blinded survey using a validated questionnaire distributed to 100 randomly selected new. 19, 2001, to the present, and have developed rhinitis within 10 years of your separation, the VA acknowledges that your rhinitis was caused by a burn pit. service member stationed in the Southwest Asia theater of operations beginning Aug. This type of assignment from the VA is typically called a Noncompensationable VA Rating because the VA recognizes that your condition exists but doesn’t qualify you to receive monthly. VA implemented a new internal process for reviewing scientific evidence to support their rulemaking. Rating for Allergic Rhinitis 38 C. The following criteria are used by our department of Veteran Affairs (VA) to rate respiratory diseases such as allergic rhinitis: Rhinitis that has polyps (growths) is given a 30% rating. A sense of pressure over the forehead and face. Id. That 10% increase changed my life. Diminished sense of smell. 1. The above determination is based upon consideration of applicable provisions of VA's rating schedule. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The second element is met by the Veteran's service-connected allergic rhinitis. Historically, AR was thought to be a disease process of the nasal. The primary diagnostic code for sleep apnea is 6847. It is usually a long-standing condition that often goes undetected in the primary-care setting. The Veteran seeks higher initial ratings. Here’s everything you need to know about the VA disability rating process for this condition. Twitter. There isn't a 0% rating listed under Allergic Rhinitis on the rating schedule; at least with the 0% rating you can file for an increase if you feel the condition has worsened. – The Department of Veterans Affairs will begin processing disability claims Aug. How to Apply for Disability Based on Respiratory. I was rated 10% for sinusitis and 0% for rhinitis originally. Later increased to 10% for each. According to VA Disability Expert Brian Reese,. The bill was signed into law on August 10, 2022, after it was passed by Congress on August 2, 2022. 2009). The examiner noted sinus tenderness. § 4. Be sure to upload the results to via ebenefits so that the VA has the info. 9 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. This means an in-service event, injury, or disease related to your military service caused you to develop Sinusitis. Nasal polyps should be diagnosed by your doctor, who will use a nasal endoscope, which is a small thin telescope with a camera on the end, to see inside your nose. I had constant allergies and sinus infections. Rating for Allergic Rhinitis The Veteran contends that his service-connected allergic rhinitis is more severe than currently rated (0 percent, effective May 27, 2009). Fuel, aircraft exhaust, and other mechanical fumes. The VA rates Allergic Rhinitis under CFR 38, Part 4, VA Schedule of Ratings, Diagnostic Code 6522, Allergic or Vasomotor Rhinitis:Rhinitis – Inflammation of the mucus membrane in the nose. 515: p30-32. 2 for asthma, rhinitis and sinusitis on a presumptive basis based on presumed particulate matter exposures during military service in Southwest Asia and certain other areas — if these conditions manifested within 10 years of a qualifying period of military service. This issue includes information about registries, including findings on allergic rhinitis from the Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry, an overview of all of VA environmental health registries, and a spotlight on Kenya Singleton, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, and her role in. 401-421-3185. Allergic Rhinitis The Veteran is currently assigned a 30 percent compensable rating under Diagnostic Code 6522 for her allergic rhinitis. Entitlement to an initial rating in excess of 10 percent for eustachian tube dysfunction. Allergic rhinitis is a. service member stationed in the Southwest Asia theater of operations beginning Aug. To get any condition service connected, you must prove three things: 1) A current diagnosis, 2) an event in service or aggravation from service, and. Observational studies published before August 2019 were obtained through English language literature searches in the PubMed, Embase, and CINAHL databases. , depending on the particular findings, and combine in accordance with § 4. Nor does is cause a fever. Id. Rhinitis and sinusitis are two common respiratory conditions that can make people feel like they have a cold. ”. Spinweber, the Veteran's sleep apnea diagnosis is noted. By definition, allergic rhinitis is swelling of the nasal passages caused by allergens. Your rating is heavily based on breathing tests that measure several different components. Therefore, the Veteran's allergic rhinitis with deviated septum will continue to be rated as allergic rhinitis because his symptoms more closely approximate those described in the rating criteria for this condition. End result, 2 weeks ago I got approved for 30% with polyps. Sometimes, sinus congestion and rhinitis-related inflammation can even set the stage for. The Board has considered the legislation regarding VA's duty to notify and to assist claimants but finds that, given the favorable action taken herein with regard to the issues of entitlement to service connection for sleep apnea and for allergic rhinitis, no further discussion of these VCAA requirements is required with respect to these claims. I was. R. FEV–1 of 56- to 70-percent predicted, or; FEV–1/FVC of 56 to 70 percent, or; daily inhalational or oral bronchodilator therapy, or; inhalational anti-inflammatory medication. The VA would assign a rating of 10% for warts. Nasal blockage and polyps were determined to be present via physical examination and nasal smear. The key is to have the evidence before the C&P. Follow us on. Veterans who served after September 19, 2001, in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Syria. Otolaryngol. Evaluation of allergic rhinitis currently evaluated as 0 percent disabling. The VA letter said there is no evidence I had chronic rhinitis. Another January 2008 record notes that the Veteran would start Flunisolide for allergic rhinitis. F. In a March 2016 letter from Dr. I filed rhinitis claim and sinusitis but some reason it was 2 separate appointments about 3 weeks apart. The average compensation for. VA Rating: Up to 30%. He also seeks an increased rating for his service-connected allergic rhinitis, which is assigned a noncompensable evaluation under Diagnostic Code 6599-6501, effective June 27, 1992. Durham, N. If a veteran is not having an attack during a VA examination, there must be a history of attacks in the record for the VA to consider. 6522 Allergic or vasomotor rhinitis:The VA will give you a separate rating for each VA secondary condition to sinusitis. How Does VA Rate Allergic Rhinitis? VA rates allergic rhinitis under 38 CFR § 4. Automatically, when a veteran undergoes a liver transplant, the VA will award him/her a temporary 100%, which will continue for one year after surgery. Veterans can submit a claim for service. After this, the condition will be re-evaluated and awarded with a new rating. Importantly, VA will base the ratings on findings during an asthma attack. and Amitani, R. With respect to the claims of entitlement to increased ratings for sinusitis and coccydynia, VA has a duty to notify a Veteran of the information and evidence necessary to substantiate a claim for VA benefits. The veteran was treated for diagnoses of allergic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, and non-allergic rhinitis with various medications. If you were a U. 97, DC 6522 (2009). Asthma is a bronchial disorder most commonly rated under CFR 38, Part 4, VA Schedule of Ratings, Diagnostic Code 6602, Asthma, Bronchial. 878. . Allergic rhinitis isn’t the same as infectious rhinitis, otherwise known as the common cold. Little Rock, Arkansas THE ISSUE Entitlement toAllergic rhinitis affects 1. 114, Schedule of Ratings for the Digestive System. I was preparing for another increase by tracking my sinus symptoms and got a CT scan that showed a polyp. Also, not all rhinitis is allergic. Before you dive into the application process, gather all pertinent medical documentation. If you were a U. C. 4. I could barely breathe with my right nose always be restricted and clogged. We can help you fight to obtain a VA disability rating for migraines. You may be unfamiliar with the VA disability ratings for taste or smell, but we are knowledgeable about the rating process and can help you with the jumble of paperwork necessary to prove your disability. for sinusitis and allergic rhinitis. (My sinuses are permanently fucked). Under Diagnostic Code 6522 [allergic or vasomotor rhinitis], a 30 percent disability rating is warranted for allergic or vasomotor rhinitis with polyps. See 38 C. 92. Allergic rhinitis can warrant a 30 percent rating, but only if the Veteran suffers from polyps. That decision granted entitlement to service connection for sinusitis and allergic rhinitis with an evaluation of 0 percent, effective June 11, 2002. Pleuritis. SUPERSEDES VA FORM 21-0960N-4, SEP 2016, Page 1 21-0960N-4 WHICH WILL NOT BE USED. If a condition is not explicitly listed, VA will rate that condition under the diagnostic code for a condition that it is closest to, or that requires the same treatment. 39. 38 C. That decision granted entitlement to service connection for sinusitis and allergic rhinitis with an evaluation of 0 percent, effective June 11, 2002. R. Principi, 18 Vet. I feel it's deserving of the 10% rating since i take multiple medications to not have 50% nasal obstruction as the 10% rating requires. A. Symptoms of sinusitis often include thick nasal drainage, bad-tasting postnasal drip, nasal and head congestion, cough, difficulty breathing, headache, facial swelling, toothache, fatigue, tender cheeks, swollen eyelids, and sometimes fever. Deferred claims typically occur when a veteran has submitted multiple claims to the VA. Although it shares some symptoms with allergic rhinitis and other respiratory conditions, sinusitis is a separate condition that can affect military service personnel, especially Gulf War veterans. PK !Û¬§Í2 ë [Content_Types]. Applied in Nov. Veterans Law VA Disability Ratings and Benefits for Respiratory Conditions July 6, 2021 Updated: January 30, 2023 Respiratory conditions are among the most. An incapacitating episode is defined in the note following Diagnostic Code 6510 as one that requires bed rest and treatment by a physician. In March 2007, the Veteran filed a statement in support of claim (VA Form 21-4138) in which he wrote, "Issue Allergic Rhinitis - I request that the DVA reconsider the decision to award 0%. Entitlement to service connection for tinnitus, claimed as secondary to service-connected allergic rhinitis and sinusitis. The VA has two different percentages it uses to rate allergic rhinitis. Be sure to upload the results to via ebenefits so that the VA has the info. For an increased disability rating claim, VA is required to provide the Veteran with generic notice - that is, the type of evidence needed to substantiate the claim. R. Military veterans can develop sinusitis from. For example, if you have infrequent headaches due to your sinusitis, you may be rated at 0%, while if you have frequent severe migraines, you may be rated at 50%. On Aug. The VA ratings define these episodes as requiring bed rest and doctor’s treatment. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is issuing this interim final rule to amend its adjudication regulations to establish presumptive service connection for three. Your VA disability rating for particulate matter exposure will. F. § 4. Evaluate under the General Rating Formula for Diseases of the Eye, disfigurement (diagnostic code 7800), conjunctivitis (diagnostic code 6018), etc. Therefore, the only remaining inquiry is whether there is a nexus between the Veteran's sleep apnea and his service-connected allergic rhinitis. • 31 min. 10 – Without polyps, but with greater than 50-percent obstruction of nasal passage on both sides or complete obstruction on one side. Rhinitis and sinusitis were recently added as presumptive conditions for veterans with #burnpitexposure and #particulatematter under the #pactact. Allergic Rhinitis VA Rating. The criteria for rating sinusitis include the symptom of headaches associated with sinusitis. Sinusitis can warrant up to a 50 percent rating, but it is extremely rare to obtain such a percentage because it would require radical surgery with lingering, severe complications. I see an ENT at the VA hospital every 3-months. The VA lists symptoms and outcomes that help you determine your potential sinusitis VA rating. I had Sinusitis s/c 0% in Jan 2009 then during increase request for it in Jan 2011 the VA I think did a revision of decision making it non-allergic rhinitis (previously rated as sinusitis) s/c 0%. The maximum 30 percent rating is warranted for allergic or vasomotor rhinitis with polyps. As for my C&P, the examiner was a PA (no specialty, just the typical know it all, but not enough to be a Dr. If you are visiting r/veterans for the first. 50% rating: Awarded in cases where the use of a CPAP machine is required. It means you can’t get disability compensation (payments) for this condition. ago. 2 for asthma, rhinitis and sinusitis on a presumptive basis based on presumed particulate matter exposures during military service in Southwest Asia and certain other areas — if these conditions manifested within 10 years of a qualifying period of. 1. ago. VA disability compensation provides tax-free monthly payments. Asthma Rhinitis, and Sinusitis (or Rhinosinusitis, which is inflammation of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses). F. hay fever). I can't remember the exact day but it was definitely somewhere around then. Note: We’ve added information about illnesses linked to service in Afghanistan and. Submitted as sinusitis but that's a mess. § 4. R. My husband was just service connected but 0% for allergic rhinitis. LARYNGECTOMY BACTERIAL RHINITIS. Yes, asthma is a VA disability and can be rated at 10%, 30%, 60%, or 100% depending upon the frequency, severity, and duration of your symptoms. F. Rating levels are based on the severity of the condition and its effects on the veteran’s ability to function. When I requested my C-File a few months ago, I noticed that the VA was originally going to rate me at 100% with sleep apnea being service connected to my allergic rhinitis referencing my IMO as the favorable evidence, than five days later they redid the final approval letter and denied the service connection. Air Force Veteran. May 2005 VA treatment record reflects the Veteran's history of fever and congestion and a cough for one week. 39. 97 (2013). The PACT Act, which was passed in August 2022, has enlarged the presumption list of illnesses related to fire pit exposure. G. 4 In the Asia-Pacific region, allergic rhinitis affects approximately 9% of the population, against 14% in the United States and 7% in latin America. That still qualifies for VA disability. Hexavalent chromium at the Qarmat Ali water treatment plant in Basra, Iraq. With two or more of the symptoms for the 30 percent evaluation of less severity. 1,2 Allergic rhinitis can hamper the ability to concentrate on school and work tasks and interfere with sleep; in addition, it can affect asthma control, causing a heavy. If you’re desiring to increase your VA rating, recognizing and effectively claiming these secondary conditions is pivotal. 800-544-9144. Army Veteran. I don't think checking to see if I have them prior to a rating decision is too much to ask. Introduction. . I recall having some sinus issues here and there before this disorder came about but nowhere near. Allergic rhinitis with polyps qualifies for a 30 percent disability. #2: Secondary Service Connection for Sinusitis with a. For example, a veteran may only have a 10% rating for Asthma but could possibly receive a 30% or 60% VA rating (lower rating possible as well) for GERD secondary to Asthma. ChildPlease90 • 2 yr. If you were born with a deviated septum, you can only prove that your time in the service made your problem worse. You need a diagnosis, from either a private doc or VA doc and file the claim. Home; about us. Find out the VA rating schedule, eligibility criteria, and VA claim process for each condition. R. According to the Mayo Clinic, spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the opening in the spinal canal. 38 C. Disability ratings are determined by applying the criteria set forth in the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities (Schedule), found in 38 C. Allergic Rhinitis The Veteran asserts that a higher initial rating is warranted for his service-connected allergic rhinitis. 0% Rating: While you have a diagnosis of sleep apnea, it doesn’t significantly interfere with your daily life or require a breathing assistance device. At the very least, the evidence regarding whether the veteran's service connected allergic rhinitis has aggravated his OSA is in equipoise. A rare disease caused when an abnormal protein, amyloid, enters. According to VA Disability Expert Brian Reese, “Asthma is a. That still qualifies for VA disability. Ratings run from 0 percent to 100 percent in increments of 10. 155 6. I submitted civilian medical treatment records with diagnosis of sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, rhino-sinusitis depending on what the doctor working urgent care that visit/day called it. Knowing where to start when. If it’s chronic, it can be linked to sleep apnea because rhinitis is known to cause or aggravate sleep apnea. The spinal canal runs the full length of the spine and holds the spinal column, also known as the spinal cord. This means you will have to prove that you had asthma, rhinitis, or sinusitis that first started within 10 years from the date of your discharge. The ratings range from 0% to 100%, based on the condition and the severity of symptoms.